
Paul and Rickie in a Yurt
We answered the Lord’s Call to Greater Asia—to live in Japan but do outreach to other Asian countries as Calls came, but, while we continued as missionaries in Japan. Brother Warren Willis, visiting Japan in January 1999, put the CALL on Paul to “Come over to Mongolia and organize our military ministry.” He knew I had been a Green Beret during the Vietnam Conflict. I told him we would be willing to come and help them, but we would continue our commitment as missionaries here in Japan.

We first went to Mongolia in early 1999 to help with a week-long seminar by Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe, with a target audience of university and secondary teachers and parliamentarians. Crowds were over 700; standing room along the walls was filled! However, before the seminar we flew on to Irkutsk, Russia, for our first time. Returning to Mongolia for the seminar, we were met by one who would become my Mongolian “Timothy.” 

As it was, Gantumur had just finished training for coming on staff and was called to be the first director of Centurions Ministry. While we had said “yes” to Mongolia, but not to organizing their military ministry, God made us a part of it from the start. Since then we have made numerous trips (30 entries for Paul) participating in countryside outreach to the nomadic people, speaking to different groups, and being primarily involved with the Centurions Ministry, an outreach and discipling ministry to the Mongolian military under the "umbrella" of the Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF) and Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU). The ministry originated with academy cadets meeting in their day room. Today Centurions Ministry and its results are now seen across the ranks from cadets to generals! The staff consists of reserve officers as well as a couple of retired colonels.  

Thus we have been a part of this ministry since it was organized and are known as the “Grandpa and Grandma” of the Centurions Ministry. From those first Military Academy graduates and CM staff, we now have a number of Christian couples (some singles) and a small multitude of Mongolian “grandchildren” to go along with our own twelve grandchildren. From all of this, in spite of the COVID pandemic, Centurions Ministry has continued to grow in ministry and results for the Kingdom of God.  