Ministries in Japan
Osaka Bible Seminary
President Emeritus, Dr. Clark, is regularly on
campus and preaches in
Kansai Christian School
Serving KCS since 1985, Paul is on the School Board and Rickie
is Executive Assistant.
"Hikari no Ie"
“House of Light” is a glimpse of personal ministries from our
home in Gospel outreach and discipling.
Nakaburi Church
Our home congregation is next door and we share leadership
under Brother Kimura and preach regularly.
Kamizono Church
The joy and sense of fulfilment in preaching in a
congregation Paul helped start as a teen-age Missionary Kid.
Wounded Tiger
A most timely opportunity of reaching the new Japan with the
message of the Gospel is in preparation!
Ladies' English Bible Class
Rickie’s weekly class of ladies
continues at our American Oak Round table in the dining room.